Nicosia, 29 May 2019 – EnVeROS multiplier event

For achieving the objectives of EnVeROS (Environmental Education through Roadkills Observation Systems), the Open University of Cyprus and Terra Cypria are co-organizing a workshop which will take place in the Journalists House, RIK 12 ave. Aglantzia, Nicosia, Cyprus, on 29th of May 2019, 09:00 – 15:00. The event is open to anyone interested in the topic of Wildlife Vehicle Collisions (WVC) and it is included in the Research and Innovation week of the Research Promotion Foundation. There will be presentations of the project results which is implemented in Cyprus, Italy (Bolzano) and Czech Republic, as well as roundtable discussions among experts and citizen scientists, for the collection of feedback as well as the promotion of the relevant to WVCs environmental education. The workshop is also supporting the establishment of a network for monitoring/ mitigation of WVCs and will form the basis for the future multiplier events in Cyprus and the other EnVeROS regions.

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